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Magazine Name : Aatcc Review

Year : 2009 Volume number : 09 Issue: 02

Moving Digital Printing Forward For The Production Of Sewn Products (Article)
Subject: Digital Printing , Sewn Products
Author: Kerry Maguire King      Genevieve Garland      Lujuanna Pagan     
page:      33 - 36
Degradation Of Methylene Blue In Water By Combined Sonolysis And Fenton'S Reaction (Article)
Subject: Decolorization , Degradation , Dyes , Fenton'S Reaction
Author: Tie-Ling Xing      Guo-Qiang Chen      Josef Irl     
page:      37 - 40
Degradation Of Methylene Blue In Water By Combined Sonolysis And Fenton'S Reaction (Article)
Subject: Decolorization , Degradation , Dyes , Fenton'S Reaction
Author: Tie-Ling Xing      Guo-Qiang Chen     
page:      37 - 40
Durable Nonwoven Fabrics Via Fracturing Bicomponent Islands-In-The- Sea Filaments (Article)
Subject: Nonwoven Fabrics , Fracturing Bicomponents , Filaments
Author: Nagendra Anantharamaiah      Svetlana Verenich      Behnam Pourdeyhimi     
page:      41 - 47
Durable Nonwoven Fabrics Via Fracturing Bicomponent Islands- In- The- Sea Filaments (Article)
Subject: Nonwoven Fabrics , Sea Filaments , Fracturing Bicomponents
Author: Nagendra Anantharamaiah      Svetlana Verenich      Behnam Pourdeyhimi     
page:      41 - 47